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Paying to be popular is a waste of time

Online business is not about the numbers unless you’re talking about the ones in your profit reports. It’s about focusing on quality – not quantity.  

I spend a LOT of time online. You can find me Tweeting, Facebooking, searching, optimizing, and marketing at all hours of the day.

There is one thing that I see in online business time and time again and I’ve had enough.

Some business owners are obsessed with numbers. They’re desperate to be popular.

So far I’ve resisted sending narky tweets to people spruiking the number of followers they have. I roll my eyes when I get a message that’s obviously been sent by a service automatically, telling me how happy the sender is that I’m part of their network – and, by the way, did I know they can help me make $100,000 while sitting on my couch at home!?

I get it. We’re all looking for ways to spread the word about our business, to stand out and be noticed, and increase our bottom line.

“Focusing on quantity is a waste of time – you don’t need tens of thousands of followers on Twitter – you need solid relationships … ”

I just can’t see the logic in spending time chasing a large number of people that will never buy from you. Why does it? So you can brag to your friends about how many people are following you on Twitter? Haven’t you get better things to do?

You don’t need large quantities of hits – because the majority of them simply won’t convert to new business leads.

Stop trying to cut corners. Stop trying to “Get 100 Twitter followers for free!”. Stop giving your hard-earned money to SEO consultants guaranteeing you a number one position on Google for a broad keyword.

Here’s a big hot tip: they don’t control the search engines, no matter what they say.

If you’re looking for a return on investment or to make a few cheeky sales short-term, you’re out of luck. Focusing on quantity is a waste of time.

You don’t need tens of thousands of followers on Twitter – you need solid relationships to benefit your business.

You don’t need to be number one in search for ‘keyword’ – you need to focus on appearing for specific search phrases that reflect the intent of the searcher to purchase.

You don’t need loads of website visitors – you need visitors looking for what you’re selling.

You don’t need heaps of Facebook fans – you need passionate/dedicated/loyal fans to spread the word for you.

Focusing on quantity will give you a bunch of gun enthusiast followers from Texas when you’re looking to boost business to your Brisbane coffee shop.

If you’re content with wasting your time and throwing your dollars around like a 1980’s fat cat, then continue on your way.

But if you want to boost your bottom line, then you must forget the shortcuts to building quantity. They’re a waste of time and money.

Concentrate your energy into actions that build your credibility and your reputation, giving you more visitors more likely to convert into new business. By focusing on quality and spending your time on building solid relationships
you’ll attract more visitors with the intent to buy.

Do this and 2010 could just be the year that you’re hoping for. #


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